21 March 2022

Thirty-one Years Ago Today

I got my first glimpse of this beautiful young lady’s face! Little did I know what a roller coast ride we were in for. Rebekah has always been full of energy (except in the morning; that’s ugly), brimming with ideas, full of laughter and, well, not to be put too fine a point on it: LOUD. No, I mean louder than you are imaging. She knows how to stir the grandkids up to decibels beyond safety for your hearing. Yes, even though she was (is) attached to her momma’s apron strings, she rather takes after her daddy and consequently the two of us fought far, far more than I did with any of the other kids. But we also tend to have a rather intuitive read of each other because of this. She always brings a smile to face. And even when I scowl, she knows how to change it pretty fast. She and Andy are the perfect match and I am so thankful that God brought them together, and then gave them Kloe who has been a gift indeed to them and to us all. So proud of them for the way they’ve welcomed her into their heart and home. So here’s to my amazing baby girl: Happy birthday and may God grant you many more!

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