31 March 2022

Speaking of working out…

…and walking and so forth. I was thinking about my poor mom as I walked today. It occurred to me that she was the age I am right now when she lost her husband. That realization shocked me. But it also got me thinking a lot about my parents’ health in general, and the more I think about that, the angrier I get. Daddy was an inveterate smoker, of course (who wasn’t back then?). That no doubt played hugely into his death of cancer before he even could turn 60. Mom’s latter years had symptoms of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimers before a heart-attack did her in in her 70’s. If I could go back, I know what I’d have told them both. Since I can’t, I’ll tell it to you (whoever you are that is reading this):

Eat meat. Drink water. Avoid plants: don’t drink them, smoke them, or eat them. As this guy always quips: “Plants are trying to kill you.” 

Come Easter, Cindi and I are giving that super strict routine a run for three months to see how it goes. That means, goodbye coffee, alcohol, and even spices. Gulp. No coffee? I’m curious to see what the results will be. Meanwhile, we’ve been practicing aging our beef in the fridge (another trick from the guy mentioned above). That is a game changer indeed; and Opa agrees, it’s a huge difference!

Oh, what I’d give to dish up a plateful of our tasty beef to mom and daddy and convince them to just TRY this out and see how they’d feel. Since I can’t why don’t you give it a try, eh?

***None of the above is theological, folks. There’s no SIN in eating vegetable or fruit; it just doesn’t seem to be very good for your health!


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