06 July 2023

A Missed Anniversary…

…I had fully intended to write up a blog post on June 13. That day marked the 50th anniversary of my Baptism, a day I can remember quite well. In June of 1973, I was twelve. I know my mom and dad came for the event, my brother Maupin also, and maybe my sister. Oswald Hoffman’s son, Paul Hoffmann, our assistant pastor at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew in Wheaton, Maryland performed the Baptism. It took place right after the opening hymn, which sadly I cannot remember. It may well have been “Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy” (see below) because that’s one of the first Lutheran hymns I committed to memory. That and “Fight the Good Fight.” 

I remember being nervous about standing up and moving to the font. It was on the right side of the altar and straight ahead of where we were seated. But walking up all alone front of the congregation was a bit nerve-wracking! There were no sponsors. I can’t recall much of what Pastor Hoffman said in the liturgy, but I do remember taking off my glasses, turning my head sideways and the water flowing over me “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” 

In memory of the day (albeit a few weeks late): 

First, from the remembrance of Baptism prayer in the then current Lutheran Book of Prayer:

Lord God, I am your child.  I call you Father because you are my Father.  You named me with your own holy name even before I could speak.  You made me your own before I could move a hand to help or prevent you.  You insisted on having me even though you knew the end of my life as well as its beginning, its shame as well as its glory, its failures as well as its achievements, its bad as well as its good.

Why, Father, should I persist in resisting you?  Why should I insist on my own way instead of knowing your way of grace and love?  Why should I obey my own whims instead of letting your grace in baptism have its way with me?

Forgive me, Father, for so often wandering into a far country away from you, your forgiveness, your joy, your promises, your love in Jesus Christ.  Help me to live in the freedom of my baptism, by the faith you have given me, in the life which you daily renew by your gracious forgiveness.

I am baptized.  I belong to you, God.  Amen

And second, from that splendid Baptismal hymn:

Baptized into Thy name most holy,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
I claim a place though weak and lowly
Among Thy saved, Thy chosen host.
Buried with Christ and dead to sin,
Thy Spirit now shall live within. 

My loving Father, Thou dost take me
To be henceforth Thy child and heir.
My faithful Savior, Thou dost make me
The fruit of all Thy sorrows share.
Thou, Holy Ghost, wilt comfort me
When darkest clouds around I see.
TLH 298:1,2

1 comment:

Elsa Quanbeck said...

What a wonderful accounting of your baptism! This one of course, I can visualize because of my own association with St. Andrew. I am particularly interested in the the prayer. I would like to see that incorporated into the Catechumenate materials. Truly you have been blessed through your baptism and the remembrance of it experienced by all of us who have received this blessed gift of God. Thanks be to Him!