31 July 2023

Ah, enjoying the peace and quiet!

A week ago Sunday we had all the family here at the house, save for Dean (Pr. Herberts). So that’s twelve grandchildren, Lauren, David and Meaghan, Bekah and Andy and Opa. It was a lot of fun, and a bustle of activity. 

Monday, we usually watch the Weedon grandchildren, but Bekah also came up with Kloe and Emmett, so five grandchildren enjoying the pool and such. 

Tuesday was relatively quiet day. I think we even got in some cards with Opa in the evening. 

Wednesday, the kitchen drain decided to stop. The plumber arrived and got it unclogged with his snake, just about the same time Larry and Karen dropped off the Weedon grandkids to stay with us while David and Meaghan were on a trip to the Dominican Republic. 

Thursday, Bekah came up again with Kloe later in the day. Poor Lydia expected her cousin early, but they didn’t get here till just before sunset. She waited patiently most of the day, but definitely grew impatient by about 6 p.m.! Kloe stayed the night here with the Weedon cousins. 

Friday, Cindi rounded up all the kids and dropped them off at Rebekah’s so that we could get things ready for the Yow’s visit. David, Laura, Evangeline, Elenor, Isabel and Marianna arrived that evening for the weekend. Was absolutely wonderful to catch up with them again. 

Saturday, Cindi fetched the Weedon grandkids back here, and the Weedon and Yow children played hard and long. The storm on Saturday night though, aside from making us loose power from 4:40 p.m. till sometime after midnight, blew a baby bird into the pool. The children insisted it be fished out and attempted to swaddle and care for it; but it didn’t make it. I served solo at Church on Saturday evening and we did fine with no power and only the music we could make with our voices. After we put the children to bed and said prayers and sang, we sat in the living room with the doors and window open and candles burning on the mantel and had a wonderful discussion with David and Laura. We went to bed, on pins and needles about when the power would come back on. I was wondering if I’d have to get the generator up and running before doing Church. Fortunately, that proved to be unnecessary. When the lights came back in the middle of the night, Cindi and I closed up and turned everything off and FINALLY were able to fall to sleep.

Sunday morning I was again serving solo at Church. We have a ton of pastors at St. Paul’s, but Pastor Gleason was filling in for a friend at the Convention and almost all the others are AT the Convention up in Milwaukee. Despite having so many away, we still had a bumper crowd, especially at the late liturgy. Home to have brunch with Yows and our Weedon grandkids. They got some time in the pool. I watched the Synod elections for the vice-presidents, and was overjoyed when our senior pastor, Pr. Benjamin T. Ball, was not only re-elected but even moved up to the second Vice-President slot. After the Yows departed, we got together quick a meal for Lydia, Henry and Oliver, and then Cindi ran them home, picking up the baby-sitter (thank you, Eva Maria!) along the way. David and Meaghan got in sometime after midnight.

Thus, after all the hubbub, we are back to our delightfully quiet and tidy empty nest and appreciating anew the calm and the silence and the order. Make no mistake, it’s always beyond wonderful when the grandchildren arrive; but then it is also beyond wonderful when the silence returns, especially after such a jam-packed week. I’m so glad that Jeff and Todd are also up at the Convention so that I don’t have to do an Issues show this afternoon! 

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