07 October 2023

A Very Late “Aha!”

Thirteen times the phrase occurs in the Pentateuch, “a land flowing with milk and honey.” I always kind of thought it was an odd phrase. Why “milk and honey”? 

Silly me. I’m 63 years old and I don’t think until this very day did I ever try them together. So I went out to the farm to pick up our Saturday raw milk dairy supply thanks to these wonderful creatures (and also picked up some free range eggs):

I got home and poured myself a glass, and put in a teaspoon of this marvelous honey (harvested locally by our friends; and held by that sweet little pooh bear, Grandson Emmett):

And WHAT a discovery! Now I know why “milk and honey” went together as a sign of the promised land! Pure yumminess. A natural milkshake! Awesomeness!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try raw milk with local honey now warm. It is what we dairy farmers in Germany enjoy each day:)