24 January 2013

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

Doxology then can only be performed where the glory of God dwells. Since the resurrection and
ascension of the incarnate Son of God, the glory of God is located in the glorified body of Jesus
(Peterson, 21). There the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit reveal their glory both to the angels in
heaven and the saints on earth. There the angels and the saints gather in a single heavenly assembly,
the church of the living God. There they acknowledge and acclaim God’s glory as they perform a
common doxology. There they no longer speak of themselves or even address God as someone apart
from them, but speak adoringly of him who embraces them and includes them in himself (Schlink,
728). There God is acknowledged as the be-all and end-all of everyone and everything. In the light of
that presence all shine with borrowed light, a secondary radiance which they reflect and which glorifies
them with its own glory. They no longer speak of themselves but speak only of him in sheer
amazement.—Dr. John Kleinig, “The Mystery of Doxology.” In Paul T. McCain and John R. Stephenson, Mysteria Dei. Essays in Honor of Kurt Marquart. Concordia Theological Seminary Press: Fort Wayne, 129-47.

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