10 September 2019


This morning I was blessed to attend Matins for our school children (including granddaughter, Lydia) and whoever of ours or neighboring parishes shows up. It was so beautiful. The liturgy was entirely chanted. After Venite, we chanted Psalm 146 and then sang LSB 581:1, 8,9. In the sermon, Pr. Gleason expounded the Catechism and memory verse in a simple and clear manner: "Be people of truth; that's who you've been made in Christ" sums it up nicely. Then Te Deum, Kyrie and prayers. Immediately after the benediction, Pastor asked us all to recite commandments 7 and 8 and their explanations and to recite Matthew 5:37. The children did so with clarity and conviction. Thanks be to God for schools like this, where the children of God learn to love and sing the liturgy, to take to heart God's commandments and to be shaped in the Word of God!

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