03 September 2019


Ah, the joys of another staycation. I am taking some time off between the end of work for Synod and the start of working for Lutheran Public Radio. We did our usual a.m. routine with Treasury and Coffee, but Cindi had to go to work today, so I was on my own for a bit. I took a long walk, came back and did my workout, cleaned the silt out of the run-off gutter behind our back yard and I'm estimating about 300 lbs worth of silt and grass and other junk, hauled it to the curb in time for Tuesday lawn pickup, vacuumed the pool, and enjoyed the pool for a bit afterwards. Then I thought about the Baldacci I had finished last night and the library in Worden. I did not want Mr. Money Mustache calling me a typical car clown (after all, I just ditched a 80+ minute daily commute), so I texted Cindi (she was getting her hair cut) that I was off to the library on my bike. Left the house at 1:50. A leisurely pace got me to the library by 2:12. Turned in one book, signed out two more, and headed home. We've gotten through a pile of home fix-it projects already, and plan on knocking a couple more out tomorrow.

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