06 November 2020

Luther and Lewis

For where God through His Word and faith has gathered together a Church, the devil cannot be at peace, and where he cannot achieve her destruction through sectarianism he strikes at her with persecution and violence, so that we must risk our body and life in the fight, and all we have.—Martin Luther, Sermon, 1544

People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.—C. S. Lewis, Business of Heaven, p. 277.

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