24 January 2021

An afternoon in Narnia

My children gave me this absolutely gorgeous edition of The Chronicles of Narnia for Christmas this year, and I spent much of a lazy Sunday afternoon, sitting beside the fire, revisiting the old Narnian haunts with Digory and Polly. I’d forgotten much of the story (to my own surprise) and it was a delight to reacquaint myself with it again. 

So much wisdom in the book from the first time we meet Aslan. The winning line from the first book is Aslan’s sad observation that “All get what they want, but they do not always like it.” 

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Lucky you! A couple of months back I started rereading my cheap paperback copies. Always a good read no matter the book. Of course, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to get a nice book like you received.