06 January 2021

Gerhard and Walther

Along with the Word, God the Lord has given us the holy Sacraments. They are visible signs of grace through which the promises of the Gospel are empowered. Also, they are blessed means through which God the Lord imparts the heavenly treasures and blessings to us in no less measure than through the Word.—Johann Gerhard, Schola Pietatis, I:83.

Unfortunately, in our day, far too many people, including those who are undeniably Christians, think that the mission to the Gentiles, while laudable, is something they can do or not do. With so much distress in the world, they believe the burden of missions should not be imposed on the Church as a potential hindrance to other important work. Such Christians are in error. The Christian Church is a debtor to the whole world that remains outside Christ.—C. F. W. Walther, God Grant It!, p. 100.

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