06 January 2021

The Epiphany Day Mass: Evening Divine Service

What an absolute joy tonight’s Divine Service was! I served in the Morning liturgy today, but was able to sit with Cindi at tonight’s. From the first moments when the incense wafts in at the front of the procession accompanied by joyous song, to Pastor Daenzer’s solemn and beautiful chanting of the Gregorian Introit for the day; from the amazing Scripture readings from Isaiah 60, Ephesians 3 and Matthew 2, to the gladsome announcement of the dates of the moveable feasts; from hearing Pastor’s proclamation of the saving Gospel (the glory of our Savior being His humility!) to joining in intercession for our country at this sad and frightening time; from being blessed to sing the Communion liturgy, with the Agnus in harmony and unaccompanied, to receiving the Light of the World in His true body and blood; in short, from start to finish, a day of joy and a peace that no distress of the world in her usual turmoil (and yes, we have had shocking turmoil today) can ever shake. Why? Because, as the Introit confessed, the Lord, the Ruler has come and the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory are in His hand. 

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