08 October 2021

Gerhard and Walther

Shall we charge the Lord with a lie, or try to render His mercy of no effect by the weight of our sins? To charge God with a lie and to deny His mercy is one of the greatest sins we can commit; from which it appears that Judas committed a greater sin in despairing of God’s mercy, than did the Jews in crucifying Christ.—Johann Gerhard, Sacred Meditation X.

In addition, God has given the Christians prayer, through which they can obtain anything they think needful. God has also supplied them with the holy angels and all creatures as their servants, for He has ordered that everything—even the world with its temptations and troubles, even the devil with his trials and fiery darts, and even their own sins with their humiliations—must serve them for their best.—C. F. W. Walther, God Grant It!, p. 781. 

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