30 December 2007


I really do take a light hand in editing comments. But I will not allow comments that I think cross the boundary from questioning to personal attack. I just deleted a comment I felt did this. I ask the readers and commentators on this blog to please refrain from personally attacking others - we seldom have the full story and thus are not in a position to judge others' actions and words. My suggested rule is always to ask if you'd be comfortable saying what you are saying in the very presence of our Crucified and Risen Lord, for you truly are doing nothing less than that.


Anonymous said...

But you accept veiled attacks, innuendo and so forth. Not so even handed I'd say.


William Weedon said...

Dear Kenny,

I'm not sure what you mean about veiled attacks and innuendo. Any long time reader of this blog knows that Father John Fenton is a friend for whom I have the greatest respect. The Orthodox are blest indeed to have him as a priest, even as we Lutherans were blest to have him as a pastor among us for many years. So as both Pastor Harju and Susan and Unknown Lutheran and I told Anon - nothing to be feared from Fr. John.