05 May 2006


So, Bekah, Cindi and I left bright and early on Thursday to pick Lauren up from Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. It ended up being a bit more than an eight hour drive if you add in the lunch stop and breaks along the way. We packed Lauren up on Thursday night, enjoyed dinner in Lincoln with the kids and Dean, and then back to Joe and Jenny Herl's. Anna is still as cute as a button. Joe took me on a whirl-wind tour of the campus. We were up by six and finished packing Lauren's left-overs, when Dean (what a scholar and a gentleman!) showed up with a thermos of some fresh ground, fresh brewed coffee. It kept me going through St. Joe's. We got home by about four after 16 hours in the car in the last two days (more than that, truthfully).

David was trying to figure out how to put on his bow-tie for the prom. Here's a couple pics of the finished result (one with the lovely Misha):

Then a hospital call to Highland - I think that will turn out okay. Laverne, you're in our prayers.

So a crazy, crazy couple days! But for a while I've got all three kids home, and that makes for one happy papa.

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