26 April 2007

Old News

for many of you, but I meant to announce it the other day:

Former Vicar, Charles Lehmann, has been called by Peace with Christ Lutheran Church in Fort Collins, Colorado to be an assistant pastor, working in the area of youth.

Our former vicar is the published author of a children's book, a guest on Issues, Etc., and - as we remember - an outstanding preacher. No question that Peace of Christ will be blessed by his ministry among them.

Congratulations, Charlie!


Chaz said...

Thank you.

It is a joy to be called into the Lord's service!

DebD said...

congratulations and Many years!

I'm sure he will be an blessing to the congregation.

Eric Phillips said...

Congratulations, Chaz!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to having him serve as my associate pastor!!

Its an encouragement to me to here that he served his Vicarage under you. Besides - his book has already been added to the Amazon wish list. :-)