05 January 2010

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

So far we concede that there is an agreement in kind, that over against a merely ideal presence of Christ, wrought by the human mind in its memory, or by its faith, our Church in common with both the Roman and Greek Churches, does hold to a true presence of the whole Christ, the factor of which is not our mind, but in His own divine person. We do not think him into the Supper, but he is verily and indeed there. Faith does not put him there, but finds him there. -- C. P. Krauth, *Conservative Reformation* p. 343


Anonymous said...

I steal these quotes for our parish newsletter. Sometimes I gloss them, would you agree that "factor" can fairly be glossed as "doer or cause"? I.e.,

...does hold to a true presence of the whole Christ, the factor [doer or cause] of which is not our mind, but His own divine person...

Also, "in His divine person" in your blog is wrong, an in crept in, at least if books.google.com is right

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and of course I mis-quoted the mis-quote...but there is an extra in in there