14 August 2020

Luther and Lewis

If man and woman are truly joined in wedlock, they do not have an easy time, for married life means labor and sorrow, or else it would not be right before God. Wherefore, if in your married life you have to endure much sorrow and labour, be of good cheer and remember that it is so ordained that it is God’s holy will that people should marry. Therefore in the name of God, I burden myself with trouble and give myself to marriage, willingly and cheerfully.—Martin Luther, Exposition of Genesis, 1527

It was one of the Wesleys, I think, who said that the New Testament knows nothing of solitary religion. We are forbidden to neglect the assembling of ourselves together. Christianity is already institutional in the earliest of its documents. The Church is the Bride of Christ. We are members of one another.—C. S. Lewis, Business of Heaven, p. 206

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