23 October 2020

Catechesis: Ap XXIII Sacerdotal Marriage

In the first place, our opponents must admit that for believers marriage is pure because it has been sanctified by the Word of God; that is, it is something which the Word of God permits and approves, as the Scriptures abundantly testify. (Ap XXIII:28)

In the second place, the proper contrast is between lust and purity understood as the purity of the heart and the mortification of lust; it is not marriage that the law forbids, but lust, adultery, and promiscuity. Therefore celibacy is not necessarily pure. There may be greater purity of heart in a married man like Abraham or Jacob than in many others who are truly continent. (Ap XXIII:35)

We do not put marriage on the same level as virginity. One gift surpasses another.... So also virginity is a gift that surpasses marriage. (Ap XXIII:38)

The virgin does not merit justification by virginity any more than the married person does by performing the duties of marriage. Each should serve faithfully in what he has been given to do, believe that for Christ’s sake he obtains the forgiveness of sins and that through faith is accounted righteous before God. (Ap. XXIII:39)

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