03 October 2020

Sipping my coffee

Contentedly from this rude cup that my eldest gave me, in my living room on the last day of my 50’s and reflecting. 

It seems like YESTERDAY that I turned 50. But I entered that decade with my mother-in-law and brother Maupin (two people I dearly love) still living; I was serving as pastor of St. Paul’s as I had since 1993; only daughter Lauren was married; two kids still in college; no grandchildren. 

I leave that decade sadly having lost both Jo and Maup; but joyously, having gained a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law; overwhelmingly blessed with nine grandchildren; having seen a son-law-ordained into the office of the holy ministry; having served over 7 years as LCMS Director of Worship and IC Chaplain (three conventions; two worship institutes; one hymn-writers conference and more travelling than I ever wanted to do in my whole life) and now blessedly employed by Lutheran Public Radio, writing from home most days, occupied with teaching the Bible on The Word of the Lord Endures Forever podcast, and also serving again at St. Paul’s as assistant pastor and catechist; and also (PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!) with all my children and grandchildren within an easy drive (that’s only since last week, of course). 

I remember in my late 40’s setting the goal of being “fabulously fit by 50.” I think I met that and have actually increased it. Truth to tell, I think I’m actually in better shape now than I was back then. And no, I simply don’t feel “old” at all on the eve of my 60th. My energy is unabated, but I have noticed that when I talk for any length of time these days, my voice flags rather quickly. More and more it sounds to my own ear more like my Granddaddy Chance’s voice  (my namesake). Raspy. And when tired, it definitely trends toward the tenor. Still, I entered my 50’s taking medications for distressingly regular migraines. I’m taking leave of my 50’s on ZERO medications—thanks be to God! 

For over two years and two months, Cindi and I have been eating zero carb (or carnivore) with very occasional exceptions. It’s been weird, but great. The hardest part is the emotional investment we put into certain foods at certain times. But when it comes to taste and satiation, we never get tired of eating burgers, steaks, roasts, sausage, bacon, and eggs with some seafood tossed in now and again for good measure. Yeah, we’re weird.

I entered my 50’s richly, richly blessed by close friends who are to Cindi and me just like family. I leave my 50’s enriched by several more whom we’ve come to love and cherish. 

I entered the 50’s living in a parsonage; but I bid the 50’s adieu in a home which we actually own, as in paid off the mortgage in 7.5 years. Still in a bit of shock over that. Go Dave Ramsey and Mr. Money Mustache! It’s smallish but perfectly sized for two empty-nesters; and we were even able to put our beloved pool just off the deck (and that’s where we live in the summer time). 

I entered the 50’s with a dog, two indoor cats, and one outside cat (plus her kittens!); and I think (unwelcome!) a raccoon mom and her babies and the odd skunk or two hanging about. I am happy to leave the 50’s without a single pet. I am thankful for the joy the cats and dog brought into our lives. The cats loved to curl around my laptop while I wrote and the dog was in equal doses delightful and frustrating. I’ll never forget Lucy tearing into her Christmas present on cue, just like she knew it was hers and exactly how to get the paper off. It was flying in the air!

I entered the 50’s with a goatee that I’d worn for most of the previous decade. I leave the 50’s with a beard that I’ve become fond of, though it is starting to turn grizzled and gray (as my temples have also). Why a beard? Because I’m lazy and running a comb through the beard is a lot faster than fiddling with shaving! 

I entered the 50’s with my beloved wife by my side—can you believe that she still puts up with me?—and thanks be to God I am leaving them with my beloved wife still at my side. We’re closing in on our 40th wedding anniversary; and granting me such a companion with whom to walk the path of life is something I will thank God for forever.

In the daily lectionary from KJV, we’re in Tobit at the moment. Some of my favorite words from that book: 

Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers, and blessed is thy holy and glorious name forever; let the heavens bless thee, and all thy creatures. Thou madest Adam, and gavest him Eve for an helper and stay: of them came mankind: thou hast said, It is not good that man should be alone; let us make unto him an aid like unto himself. And now, O Lord, I take not this my sister for lust, but uprightly: therefore, mercifully ordain that we may become aged together. And she said with him, Amen. (Tobit 8:5-8)

Aged together. I like that. God grant it indeed!


Weekend Fisher said...

Welcome to the new decade!

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF

William Weedon said...

Thanks, Anne!