23 April 2021

Catechesis: the Eucharist

Accordingly, we reject and condemn.... First, papistic transubstantiation, according to which it is taught that the bread and wine which have been consecrated or blessed in the Holy Supper lose their substance and essence completely and are transformed into the substance of Christ’s body and blood, so that only the mere form of bread and wine or the accedentia sine subjecto remain. They assert that under this form of the bread (which they allege is no longer bread but has lost its natural substance) the body of Christ remains present, even apart from the administration of the Supper (for example, when the bread is enclosed in a tabernacle or is carried around in a spectacle and adored). But as his been shown above, nothing can be a sacrament apart from God’s command and the practice that he has ordained, as instituted in God’s Word.—FC SD VII:108.

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