13 April 2021

What a Month Can Do

So yours truly had a blood draw a month ago. It was spectacularly BAD. My PA was definitely recommending a statin. I suggested, though, we wait a month and redo because those numbers were so out of line with what they usually are. I hadn’t been strictly fasted, because I’d enjoyed a cup or two of buttered coffee in the morning. This time, no buttered coffee till I got back from the blood draw, and the fast was about 16 hours long. Check this out. It is amazing:

March 2021:

Total: 495

HDL: 80

Trig: 189

LDL: 415 (Non HDL)

April 2021:

Total: 237

HDL: 99

Trig: 63

LDL: 138

Triglyceride swing of over 120. In one month! I’d be willing to bet in a few hours. Given the outstanding Triglyceride/HDL ratio, THIS month and the horrific figure last month, my suggestion, folks, is not to have COFFEE before you go get your tests done, particularly not unfiltered coffee (which is what we usually drink). 

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