02 January 2008

House Blessing Time

LSB Agenda reminds us: "It is appropriate that homes of Christians be blessed by the Word of God and prayer.... Homes may be blessed annually. Usually this is done during the season of Epiphany due to the connection of the visitation of the Magi to the home of the infant Christ. On such annual observances of this rite, the Magnificat with antiphon may be chanted in place of the Psalmody." (p. 313) This is also an appropriate time to have new crosses, paintings, icons, and statues blessed for use at the family altar. (pp. 322, 323)

I have had two families schedule home blessings so far, but a reminder to my members that I'm happy to schedule a time to visit your home and pray God's blessing upon it. Just email me or phone me and we can set up a time!


Doorman-Priest said...

Any time you like, Pastor. Any time you like.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you need an excuse to come to Columbus.... ;)


William Weedon said...

Alright you guys, notice that I very intentionally said: "a reminder to my MEMBERS." :)