That's what struck me as I listened to what they're replaced Issues with. It's a woman's show. Ladies, don't yell at me. I know LOTS of you liked Issues, but I can almost promise you that no man is going to listen to the show they've got up there now (nothing against Diane Summers, but that show is pure fluff). It's more of the feminization of the Church, all smooth and soft and nothing that would offend. Issues, Etc., I'd wager, had a LARGE percentage of male (maybe particularly younger male) listeners. Why would they want to lose that? It doesn't make sense.
huh? They actually *have* something now that is not just a "rerun" of the morning Bible Study? I listened a time or two... just because I was so used to listening to the KFUO AM station during drive time... but got tired of listening to re runs. So have not listened in several days or more.
A Women's show huh? mmm and David Strand wants me to listen to this, pray for them and give them my money?
Mmm... well... I will certainly keep them in my prayers... fervently.. but they will not receive a dime of my money. I will send that to the donation funds for Pr. Wilken and Jeff thank you very much!
And I have erased 850 AM from my radio "memory" button... will listen to all the re runs of Issues Etc. I have on my Ipod now : )
Specially a few from Fr. Weedon (I love the one on the historic liturgy), the ones I have of Professor Nagel! Those are priceless! Have enough Issues Etc on my Ipod to listen to a different one every day at drive time and not repeat one : )
So no need to turn my radio on... much less tune it to KFUO.
Thank you Mr. Strand and Mr. Kiechhnick...
Matt B.
I think you are correct Pr. On my way home yesterday I tuned in to see what was playing and all I heard was some lady talking about mushy gushy stuff that made me want to vomit out my internal "mushy gooshies."
That said, I don't mean that the problem is that a woman hosts the show. The problem is that this sounds just like feel good time (something KFUO has a lot of IMO). What happened to talk radio for the thinking Christian?
I was so proud to refer my non-Christian friends who thought that Christianity was un-intellectual and implausible to Issues. I will not refer them to this show.
I waited to pass judgment on the new show, but it seems that replacing Issues ETC. with The Afternoon Show is like replacing Firing Line (William F Buckley Jr. with Car Talk (Click & Clack). I mean no disrepect to the hosts, who do the job for which they were hired, but there will be no challenging, thought provoking, theological matters discussed here...unless maybe it's "which movie do I take the kids to this weekend?". I can get that on KMOX or even NPR. It's not fair to denegrate the hosts of the new show. They are doing what their superiors want them to do. It's all too obvious that Pastor Wilken did not.
Is it like "the View" or "Oprah?" :-)
Oh, come on, folks! You mean you don't get all goosebumply just hearing about handwritten letters (vs. impersonal emails), handwriting styles, and kinds of stationery? What's this world coming to? I suppose you folks want "Talk radio for the *thinking* Christian"!
[okay, sarcasm mode off] ;-)
In order to desire talk radio for the "thinking Christian" you have to be a thinking Christian. I think that says it all about anyone who had a vendetta against Issues, Etc. and those who decided to put it down.
When there're Gospel-free coffee houses to run and silly billboards to put up, who has time to think?
Purely satanic.
>>Why would they want to lose that?<<
Dear Pastor Weedon:
Dude, they just don't want people like us around anymore. That's why.
This isn't your grandfather's Issues, Etc.
Thanks for taking the bullet of actually listening to this drivel, old chap.
The Priestman
I've been afraid to listen to the streaming audio. Now I won't bother!
(And I'm even female!)
I hope all confessing professors will refuse to go on KFUO for any programs. I also think anyone at KFUO who considers himself in solidarity with the Church of the Lutheran Confessions will resign and leave KFUO (e.g. Tom Baker, et al).
Amen Brother.
Please change that picture.
I would respectfully ask you to all go over to herchurch.org and see why a LCMS female would want to be and remain a Confessional Lutheran and remain in the LCMS even though some of you seem to think we do not have a "brain in our head"
I listened to the I.E. replacement program as much as I could for the past three days (it was tough but I wanted to give it a chance). My first thought was *fluff*. My second thought was *pablum*. My third was *safe*. What a disappointment. Diane Summers has done her best and I give her credit for that, but... I would have liked to hear more from Roland, but he was rather quiet. Perhaps they'll elevate him later. I'm a 55-year-old woman. I hate fluff. I don't listen to the KFUO AM program. I don't watch Oprah. I'm not a professional. I sit in the pew. I want meat and potatoes. I need the meat and potatoes of the faith. I want it. I need it. I want my I.E. back...
A woman's show??
GREAT!! I can't WAIT to here some fluffy garbage! WOO-HOO!!
Because that's EXACTLY WHAT MY GENERATION WANTS, a radio show that speaks to women only! Can I learn to make out-dated, mauve doilies? I hope so.
Because you know, I just can't fit into Christian society, unless someone speaks to me as a woman. Otherwise, I just sit there, unable to comprehend anything.
That's why we need women pastors, too. Because unless a broad is up there, I just won't relate to any Gospel.
KFUO used to have a program EXACTLY like this called Living Jubilee at 11 am. They cancelled it (without warning, just like Issues, etc) and replaced it with a second hour of the Bible Study. I thought cancelling that show was an improvement to the station.
but people like beating dead horses... now I see what Rod Rosenbladt was talking about in class at Irvine when he said the LCMS is still wondering if Beta tapes will become more popular than VHS.
If the plan has been all along to replace Issues, etc with this new show, that has phone in guests, does it not need a producer? SO, there was no need to fire Jeff Schwarz! And yet he was fired...
I listened to the first few minutes of the new show today. I could not stand to hear the bubbly, giggling hosts.
When the female host announced that they would be interviewing Uwe Siemon-Netto, the male host chimed in "Jawohl!" in an exaggerated German accent. It sounded like something Will Ferrell would do.
I listened to the show for a good three minutes--and that was enough. The host has a nice "radio voice", and that was the most profound thought I had in those three minutes.
I feel kinda bad for Diane--I have the feeling that no matter what she does in this capacity she will wind up facing a lot of criticism.
Makes David Strand's comment about endeavoring to broadcast gospel oriented programming during the day utterly laughable.
I haven't listened to the program yet, but just a word to kind of defend it. Nobody sounds good in their first season. You listen to podcasts & the first couple of episodes take a while to shake things down. You think of some classic tv shows, like Barney Miller & Night Court, & their first seasons kind of sucked compared to their later ones. So, maybe this program will get better & maybe it will actually start to develop some theological backbone, especially if Uwe Siemon-Netto is one of the first guests they have.
I have my doubts, especially because if they do develop a theological backbone & start critically analysing the current Christian scene, they'll get yanked too.
At the rate the LCMS is going, it won't be long that this new radio show will have a new effeminate crowd of men (maybe even gay men?) listening. Maybe this same group of men will call upon the synod to move in the same direction of the ELCA?
Huh? Am I missing something?
Someone above said they "used to" have a program just like this... Living Jubilee...
Was that the same Diane Summers hosting that .. as is hosting this new program?
If so, I would see one huge difference in how that show was "cancelled suddenly without warning" vs. Issues... they kept her around... to give her someone elses job! Or at least... their time slot etc.
Mmmm... now I am even madder than I was ... geeez...
I hope she can sleep at nights.
yes, same lady. but calm down. her situation is not exactly the same. when Living Jubilee was cancelled, she was also co-hosting the morning show, and that work continued. Todd was hosting no other show, except to fill in every so often as host on Bible Study.
Recognizing the redefinition of words always seems to be one of the keys to understanding the change game. In this case, the phrase "gospel-based" was the red flag. It's such a red herring in PD evangelicalism. Ugh - how I hate this change movement to hell.
Anyone who is interested in supporting the future of Issues, Etc. and other Biblically sound and Christ-focused media efforts is invited to visit www.laymenetc.com and take the survey posted there. Thank you!
A key tactical error made by the administration in canceling Issues, Etc. is that they have inadvertently awakened a sleeping giant in angry, young, confessional men and women (who know the difference between men and women!). This will go very, very badly.
Oh, just what we need-NOT!
As a woman and an AVID Issues listener I am just so sad...it keeps getting worse...
Slippery slope time...
Please. I don't really have a dog in this fight, but does anyone imagine that anything serious will come out of all this?
The LCMS has been heterodox for some 60 years. There is open communion, "lay ministry," advocacy of women's ordination, toleration of false doctrine, and we're supposed to imagine that canceling a radio program's going to get people to do something?
The pattern is that no one leaves the LCMS. People stay and complain but ultimately virtually no one who is concerned about this will leave the LCMS. And Kieschnick and his minions know this and probably care very little the complaints here. People who leave and people who stop paying are the ones they notice. But since almost no one will do that, they will ignore the complaints, because they've heard similar complaints before, and know there's no cost involved in ignoring the complaints.
As a former daily Issues Etc. listener, I am going to express my concern over the comments posted here that are directed at the new Afternoon Show. We don't know the situation of how/why Diane and Roland were asked or required to do this show. And I have listened every afternoon to the new show and they have a variety of guests as did Issues Etc: Dr. Uve on the Kingdom of the Left and Right; Mission work and it's Christ-crucified, cross-focused work; Jail ministry in St. Louis city and county and the need for Christ-centered cross-focused ministry here.
The comments toward the new show are biased and unfair and certainly do not reflect the Christian attitude toward dealing with our brothers and sisters in Christ that we are demanding from our synodical leadership.
All due respect, but competing with Oprah is not where we're gonna win by doing a "Christian" version is not where we're going to win. I haven't listened to the show, nor do I think I will. I am familiar enough with the morning show, and, frankly, believed it should have been clipped years ago. More of the same, however peppered with worthwhile guests, is not the answer this administration needs to keep us "united."
just 2 cents
Hey, Jim Huffman...
Man up, or shut up.
Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Your choice.
But for God's sake, stop the whimpering and whining.
General S.
Hey, General S.:
I don't know who you are, son, but I like your style. I thought I was the only general in this girl's club called the LCMess.
Anyway, at the risk of being accused of being a little "testy," I have weighed in on this matter here.
Now drop and give me fifty.
Wow. Exactly what I was talking about, "general." The brave talkers who won't even sign their names. As I said, nothing will change. Everyone knows it. Including those who canceled the program. That's why they knew they could get away with it. We haven't seen the last.
General Scuttlebutt, you probably don't remember me, but I remember you. I was just a dogface grunt in the WWII, but you made a real impression on me. I stayed in and finally got my star.
Too bad old Jimmy boy was not around for you and me to discipline his sorry kiester.
General S.
What's in a name?
With Issues, Etc, you could assume what you were getting with the title: a thought provoking show about the issues.
The Afternoon Show is just as the title asserts. A show to listen to in the afternoon.
Jim, are you a member of the LCMS? What are *you* planning to do? Do you care? This is affecting a lot of people, and I agree with what "wmc" said. This is an awakening.
The Catholic church thought they could brush off the complaints and look what happened. I'm not saying there will be a new denomination cropping up soon or anything, but if you don't think people are stating to take up the cause and if you don't think this is going to have some serious lasting effect on the Synod, you are very mistaken.
Now let's quit with the bickering and get back to the Issues.
No, Mr. Kruta, I'm not a member of the LCMS: I can't be. I'm not a pastor. Having said that, I am currently a member of an LCMS congregation.
What am I planning to do? I'm in the process of leaving the LCMS. I made this decision almost 4 years ago, after having the unfortunate responsibility of being a delegate to the 2004 convention. Obviously, I'm not being fast with this; there have been a couple of detours, but I'm on what seems to be a sure path now. Do I care? Yes, I care very deeply that the LCMS is not a confessional church body. That troubles me greatly. But what I will not do is become one of those folks (you can find them in most Methodist and Episcopal congregations) who have long since conceded defeat to the non-believers who now rule their church bodies, but they remain there, whining and complaining. I'm leaving. I neither encourage nor discourage that. People must do what seems right to them. I hope I'm wrong about this incident. I hope that things will change. But as I said, far worse has occurred, and nothing happens, and no one leaves. When change occurs, when people finally decide to quit putting up with what is dished out by people such as those in St. Louis, I will cheerfully concede I was wrong. I think I will have a while to wait.
Huffman, you are leaving? Well, don't let the door hit you on the way out. If you are not man enough to stand your post with us, adios amigo, and via con Dios.
For the rest of us, we are going to fight them until hell freezes over and then..we will fight them on ice skates.
The last thing we want to have to tell our grandkids when they ask us, "Granddaddy, what did you do during the great battle for Lutheranism?" is, "Well, I shoveled crap in Louisiana."
Right, General Scuttlebutt, sir?
Diane Summers is a fine God fearing woman who has paid her dues when it comes to being on the radio. For many years she has been co host with Rev. Doug Nicely on the Saturday show "in his steps' which is a short study on the pericope for the coming sunday. As much as I like Diane I don't think she can carry a show, and she surely cannot fill the shoes of Todd Wilken, nor do I think she would want to. Unfortunately she was probably pressed into service with a show that was thrown together to fill space and it shows.
I do not believe that Issues etc. will return. I think this because I cannot remember the last time the BCS, (meaning the Synod) reversed itself. And this being a controversy, it is even less likely to reverse itself.
What will not reverse is the acrimony and distrust that has ensued from the inexplicable cancelling of Issues, etc.
This is simply one more in a long line of clumsy, foolish, ill concieved moves by the Synod. I am no longer surprised or shocked, every year the grass greens, the flowers bloom, the birds sing and the Synod blows a magnum sized hole in its proverbial foot-all signs of springtime.
Lord have mercy.
Jim Huffman. I read your post with interest because I too am very discouraged with the liberal direction of the synod especially in the last 8 yrs. I would like to leave but a friend insists that we must stay and fight and not let them take over. So, my question to you is where will you go if you leave Missouri? I might follow you.
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