04 August 2009

Lectio Divina

In today's OT reading, I thought of a Christ connection I've not seen before. Saul promises David his daughter upon the receipt of foreskins that proved the defeat of his enemies, hoping that David would be destroyed in the attempt to gain them. Even so the Son of David fooled Satan who thought he would be destroyed by death only for Him to rise from death and claim His own bride, His Church.


Rev. Jim Roemke said...

And, he claims his bride by fulfilling the demands of the law in the flesh of those who are not part of the covenant. He kills the nations with the harsh demands of the law so that he may claim his bride for himself.

William Weedon said...

Amen! Glory to Him!!!

KathyS said...

And this also connects to Baptism--which is a removal of the flesh, "a circumcision made without hands," a circumcision by which we are brought into the church--even though Satan thought he could keep us out, Christ has brought us in. (See Colossians 2:11).

Mike Bryant said...

Why did David gather more foreskins than he was required? Is this meaningful as well? I was puzzled as I read it in TDP, but if there is a Christ connection here, could it represent Christ not only obeying the law, but actually perfectly fulfilling it?