06 August 2009


was a nice day of vacation. After Matins, spent the early morning at the gym, came home to do a bike ride in the sun (yeah, sun!), Cindi and I had some lunch together and then lazed around the pool for 1.5 hours. I read some more in a novel by Michael Connelly (Scarecrow). After Vespers and a nap, we headed into St. Louis with David to have dinner at Tucker's (excellent steak as always!) with the Herberts (Tim and Lynn) and the Herberts (Dean and Lauren). It was beyond belief: I got to watch Lauren eat a filet mignon and complain that it was a little too done. Who is this young lady and what happened to my daughter? I also had the distinct privilege of finishing up my salad LAST of the Weedons - quite a feat, since I usually am done my whole MEAL shortly after the "amen" of grace. Home then for my evening glass of wine and some further reading in Connelly till bed time. Very nice day.

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