29 July 2020

Luther and Lewis

We must learn to believe that we have the same Christ who always takes sincere interest in our needs (also bodily) and that these words (“I feel sorry for My poor people”) are always written in His heart with living letters and show in His acts and works. He wants us to acknowledge this and to listen to these words of the Gospel, as if He is speaking them right now and daily, whenever we feel our need—yes, long before we begin to lament about it.—Martin Luther, Sermon for Trinity 7, AE 78:261

All language, except about objects of sense, is metaphorical through and through. To call God a ‘Force’ (that is, something like a wind or a dynamo) is as metaphorical as to call Him a Father or a King. On such matters we can make our language more polysyllabic and duller; we cannot make it more literal.—C. S. Lewis, Business of Heaven, p. 194.

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