06 September 2023

+ George Daniel Plvan

Word reached me not long after I finished assisting at the Divine Service this morning, that my beloved vicarage supervisor had fallen asleep in Jesus. Pastor Plvan was such a fine pastor, preacher, and healer of souls. When Cindi and I arrived at Holy Trinity in Garfield, NJ, Pastor and (Saint) Vera (he always called her that and she really was a remarkable living saint) had us over to their home. He had a sign up in his basement. “When I want your opinion… I’ll give it to you.” I smiled at it; he saw my smile, and with his own smile responded: “And I mean it.” He loved his boxer dogs, his family, his parish, and he taught me to love and value the Slovak way of being Lutheran. From Oplatky to the joys of the Tranoscius, from pierogi to Cas Radosti! He commented “Slovak Lutherans are different; we’re not combative like the Germans.” And they really weren’t! His gentle way of pastoring probably taught me more than any class at seminary. After a particularly trying visit with a grumpy shutin, he’d smile and said: “Oh, she’s one of God’s special people.” Ha! His sermons were always simple and direct, law and gospel. Aside from my wife, he was the first person I told about my brother’s death in a car accident on the night before Palm Sunday. I was supposed to preach that day. He looked at me and asked: “Can you do it?” I took a deep breath and said: “Yes, I think so.” And not a little piece of getting through that homily was the desire not to let Pastor down. He had that effect on you. I asked Pastor Plvan if he’d preach my ordination and he graciously came down to Maryland for that. His daughters Joy and Grace we count among our dearest friends. Additionally, Joy is my eldest daughter’s godmother. Lauren and David were even in Joy’s wedding. The last time I got to see Pastor was at my son-in-law’s installation at St. Paul’s, Norlina in North Carolina. He and Vera came down for the event. It was so very good of them. Pastor’s vicars included Prof. Joel Elowsky from the St. Louis sem; Dr. Curtis Giese (married to Garfield parishioner Nancy Simko, I believe) of Concordia TX; District President of Texas, Michael Newton; District President of Southwest District, Michael Gibson, and a host of others. He was secretary of the SELC District for a number of years. Rest eternal grant him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him!

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