03 January 2008

A Great Day

Today I got to:

Study the Augsburg Confession (Article XV) with our men's group early this a.m. at the InnKeeper...

Pray the Offices...

Read the Book of Concord (today was SC Parts IV-VI)...

Drink lots of coffee made in my new coffee maker with grinder; I love it! Thank you, Dean and LEW!...

Visit Woody in St. Louis and Wilma in Staunton (both doing well, thanks be to God, though Wilma was a tad disappointed that she wasn't allowed to go home today - some blood pressure irregularities)...

Listen to my new CD's on my iPod as I travelled (thanks to Bekah and Cindi!)...

Verified an erroneous reference to the Weimar Ausgabe in *Day by Day We Magnify Thee* - yes, fellows, the American Edition actually was correct and the little devotional is inexplicably in error - "hang the translator!"...

Hand to Joanie the Compline Service to run off, and worked up the Catechism Service and gave that to her too

Finish Sermon for Sunday and run it off...

Finish Bible Study for Sunday (we're ploughing into the Nicene Creed)...

Celebrate the Divine Service (at which I let Walther preach!)...

Do the annual house blessing for Phil and Darlene's and have a nice visit (and yes, my friends, the nuts were history before I reached the Hamel exit - when you send the cheesecake recipe, if you think of it, you can send that one too!)...

It all made for a long day, but joy-filled. I'm tired, though, and heading to bed - if you wrote me an email this evening or posted something on the blog, I'll try to get back to you sometime tomorrow, God willing (and provided I don't forget).


Lutheran Lucciola said...

I promise to read a weeks worth of BOC this Saturday!!

I stink, haven't had time to do any of it.

Anonymous said...

There's very little as satisfying as a parish pastor's day lived to the fullest.

Perhaps second only to such a vocational gem is reading about it from someone who delights so much in God's calling to serve the church through Word and Sacrament.

Thanks William.

Anonymous said...

jee dad... I don't remember getting you a coffee maker...but I sure remember mom talking about getting you one... I think you're old age is setting in ;)