04 November 2010

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

[Note:  beginning today, I'm going to be citing from a stunning new translation by Matthew Carver of Valerius Herberger's The Great Works of God, recently published by CPH.  Pr. McCain kindly sent me a copy of this astonishing work and I'll be reviewing the whole of it on the blog shortly, but I couldn't resist quoting from it already.  It is MUST OWN material.  Simply stunning stuff.]

The true mercy-seat is Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:25).  The two cherubim (i.e., angel heads with wings) are the Old and New Testament which stand directly facing each other, one prophesying, the other fulfilling, and both looking at Jesus Christ and embracing each other so that the whole world might know the Mercy-Seat, Jesus Christ.  -- Valerius Herberger, The Great Works of God, p. 25


tehazy said...

Another "Must Buy" for me. BTW, are you attending the Good Shepherd Institute?

William Weedon said...

No, I'm not.

William Weedon said...

I'd LIKE to someday, but the schedule here makes it almost impossible. Pax!

Anonymous said...

My copy just came in the mail along with latest Gerhard (thanks to my LWML for pastor's appreciation). I wish I had this book when I started my study on Genesis. At least I will be able to use some of this for chapters 12-15.

Pr. Matthew Uttenreither