18 March 2009


Seems everyone's doing it. Even the Orthodox. Word is that folks are not happy with the Patriarch's latest move.


Christopher D. Hall said...

I have mixed feelings about our BFSTSTSTBTDFTGDTSAATS or whatever the acronym is. Some of what I think was posted here.

As far as the Antiochians go, it is disturbing, especially since they have canons regulating such matters. Orthodoxy in America is such a wreck, and this makes it worse, as far as I can see.

William Weedon said...

I'm with you, Christopher, about OUR mess. I could really go for smaller districts where doctrinal supervision was at least a possibility by the District President. Nor am I necessarily wed to the name Missouri Synod; I never saw the problem with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States! ;)