17 March 2009

The Way to a Man's Heart...

...Irish Soda Bread (low-carb even!), Corned Beef (so tender, it's falling apart), Cabbage and Turnips, Green Beans, and Strawberries and Grapes for dessert - a wee break from the Lenten fast in honor of St. Patrick and all things Irish. Oh, and for the kids mashed taters and gravy. The Soda Bread was really outstanding - and I ate too much of it. LOADED with butter! What a cook my dear wife is, what a cook!


Jim Huffman said...

What's in tatters that you made it even worse by mashing it? Inquiring minds want to know ... : )

And here's the inspiration for that tag line, from 1986, a most felicitous year.


William Weedon said...

Ha! Fixed!

Rev. Eric J Brown said...

We normally have a history study on Tuesday nights at 7. Tonight we met at 6 and had corn beef and cabbage, Beef with Guinness Stew, Boxty, Soda Bread, Irish Brown Bread, and then peach cobbler.

Then at 7 we had a lecture on who St. Patrick was and what he did. It was good fun.

Past Elder said...

OK, if any of you took the last of anything you ain't Irish worth crap. You never do that, in case someone else might have wanted it, and also because since everyone knows the Irish are really one of the Lost Tribes of Israel this is an unconscious observance of the prohibition from harvesting the corners of one's fields so something is left for the passer-by.

What's more, St Patrick's Day is part of a sacred triduum. St. Joseph's Day is 19 March, and this is as important to Czechs and other Central Europeans as St. Pat's to the Irish.

So the proper observance is: go nuts on St Pat's and everybody's Irish on 17 March, recover on 18 March, then go nuts on St Joe's and everybody's Czech on 19 March.

The proper liturgical colour for the beer on St Joe's is red, btw, as green is on St Pat's.

Spring is hell. And, this and Holy Week are peanuts to co-ordinate compared to the time in Boston when three major religious observances all fell on the same day requiring scheduling to allow for attending all three, or at least two since damn near everybody in town will be at at least two -- those being, Good Friday, Passover, and Red Sox Season Opener at Fenway.

Rev. James Leistico said...

wow, I would have gone hungry at your place. All I could eat was the soda bread and the mashed taters. stupid colitis.

Looking forward to the Resurrection and eating what I want again,

Anonymous said...

Irish Soda Bread! Bring it on!

And who makes the best in my neighborhood? Why, the little family owned Italian bakery!

Go figure!
