09 November 2007


At least, that's what that bloginality
determined. Which I suppose is the oddest of personality types. What cracked me up is the analysis that it means my intuitions are mostly right and so I am stubborn about listening to other people expressing alternate ideas. Zam. That hurt. Fortunately, I'm married to an ISFJ. A servant's heart indeed.

In any case, these thingies amuse me. They have something of the "fortune teller" about them - you know, general enough that it's bound to hit you some of the time.


Anonymous said...

Okay. I took the bait. I'm INTJ. After I took it, I remembered I'd taken the "Jungian Typology Test" years ago. I looked up the file I'd saved and Yep--even then it was INTJ. Introverted/intuitive-thinking/judging. Same test but many more questions I believe. In any case, it's fun. Especially if you subsequently click on the personality link that gives you a full page explanation of your type and how wonderful and terrible you are!
Of course, INTJ's are only wonderful. I shall humbly pray for the rest of you. . . .

Anonymous said...

Oh. Lord have mercy. Darlene (wifey) just took the test and is the dreaded ENTJ! A Field Marshal!

Anonymous said...

there's a great free resource at www.INFJ.com

Rev. David M. Juhl said...


Wikipedia says: According to Myers-Briggs, ESTPs are hands-on learners who live in the moment, seeking the best in life, wanting to share it with their friends. The ESTP is open to situations, able to improvise to bring about desired results. They are active people who want to solve their problems rather than simply discuss them.

Based on how I know my wife, she's ISFJ.

I'm a promoter, she's a protector. Spot on.

WM Cwirla said...

ISTP - solitary craftsman. Bullseye! Rare type for the ministry; clearly not a team player. True to one's own principles, but not the institution. Love it. Bang on. Glad they didn't do these when I was in sem.

I think liberal vs conservative is largely based on personality type. Your "J" rescues you, my friend, but your NF clearly makes you suspicious of the systematicians.

Lutheran Lucciola said...


"INTPs generally have the following traits:

Love theory and abstract ideas
Truth Seekers - they want to understand things by analyzing underlying principles and structures
Value knowledge and competence above all else
Have very high standards for performance, which they apply to themselves
Independent and original, possibly eccentric
Work best alone, and value autonomy
Have no desire to lead or follow
Dislike mundane detail
Not particularly interested in the practical application of their work
Creative and insightful
Usually brilliant and ingenius"

Ummm....yeah. It's me. But all this brilliant/genius stuff is going to frighten me.

Eccentric? Not me. Nope.

Anonymous said...

hey...go visit matthew tmrw if you have time! I sent you an email about where he's at and stuff...in case you missed the memo...he DID have surgery, and he wants more morphine... :)

Doorman-Priest said...
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Doorman-Priest said...

ISFPs are infinitely superior!

Warm, friendly and affirming by nature
Usually optimistic
Good listeners
Good at dealing with practical day-to-day concerns
Flexible and laid-back, usually willing to defer to their mates
Their love of aesthetic beauty and appreciation for function makes them likely to have attractive, functional homes
Take their commitments seriously, and seek lifelong relationships
Likely to value and respect other's personal space
Likely to enjoy showing their affection through acts and deeds
Sensuous and earthy


Lutheran Lucciola said...

Ooo, sensuous and earthy. Now that's something good.

Hey, Cwirla, do you do craftman's work? Are you a woodworker type like Gee?

Dixie said...

Well, if it is fortune telling then somebody better tell the company I work for...they have sent about 300 people for 3 day training on this Meyers Briggs stuff!

I would have never dreamed you to be an introvert, Pastor Weedon--not from your writing anyway. I marvel at all of you "internet vocal" introverts. To be introverted in real life but clearly vocal online...I think that is amazing! But I have seen it before. My boys are shy guys but one couldn't know it from their online personas.

I am an ENTP, although my T and F are fairly evenly divided.

One (of the more flattering) description(s):

ENTPs are known for their quest of the novel and complex. They have faith in their ability to improvise and to overcome any challenges that they face. They are highly independent, and value adaptability and innovation. They may be several steps ahead of others in encouraging and valuing change. They hate uninspired routine and resist hierarchical and bureaucratic structures that are not functional. They need freedom for action.

Now, how anyone with this MB type became Orthodox, with Orthodoxy's heirarchy, lack of innovation, the complete opposite of independence, etc., is beyond me!!! ;)

BTW, the 1957 movie 12 Angry Men does a nice job of showing 12 of the 16 types and how they interact. Very interesting to view the movie from the perspective of trying to type each juror.

WM Cwirla said...

"Hey, Cwirla, do you do craftman's work? Are you a woodworker type like Gee?"

Yup - Woodworker, electrician, trim carpenter, tiling, sheetrock, flooring, weekend warrior par excellence. Jack of many trades, master of none. Experiential learner. Explains the chemistry major. Garage hasn't seen a car in seven years. I'd rather fire up my Delta Unisaw than read a book. ISTP helped me understand all that. And enjoy it.

BTW, lawyers use this stuff to profile potential jurors. It works.

WM Cwirla said...

"I would have never dreamed you to be an introvert, Pastor Weedon--not from your writing anyway. I marvel at all of you "internet vocal" introverts."

Introverts are not necessarily quiet or shy. I'm a very talkative introvert. Nor are introverts not "people oriented." Introverts are fatigued by interacting with people while extroverts draw strength from their interactions with people. Recognizing this has been extremely helpful to me in pacing my day between study and visits.

Past Elder said...

I'm an ISTJ.

Bless us and save us, Mrs O'Davis.

Maria said...

INTJ for me.

Dixie - that sounds like me. I'm much more personable and vocal online than I am in person.

Rev. Eric J Brown said...

INTJ - although the I/E tend to be very close -- one time in college I was an XXXJ on an 80+ question test.

I worked in the writing center at OU - and if no students showed up it was just me and a computer. . . what was a college student to do other than take personality and IQ tests.

Lutheran Lucciola said...

No other INTPs? Huh. I'm surprised.

I wish my husband was the craftsman type. Unfortunately, not the case! But that's my only complaint. ;-)

Bad Carol might be INTP. Carol, if your reading here, try the test!

I've noticed Weedon's blog is becoming the pub for everyone. It's the Lutheran watering hole here!

William Weedon said...

So who wants another drink before I close the pub and go to bed? :)

Were there really no other INFJ's reading? I feel so alone... Oh, wait, I LIKE to be alone.

You know, I never understood the whole introvert/extravert thing until Pastor Cwirla (I think it was he) used the "charge your batteries or drain your batteries." Definitely, my batteries drain to empty on interaction with people. It's in quiet and solitude that they charge back up.

Lutheran Lucciola said...

No more INTP's, and no more INFJ's.

I'll clean up the bar. And finish off the absinthe....

Unknown said...

Hey awesome blog! There is actually this INFJ forum that connects Myer Briggs Type Indicate ( MBTI ) users with other users called Personality Cafe. Just go on google and search for the keywords Personality Cafe. I would love to chat with some of you and get to know about your personality a little bit more!

Just wanna help you guys discover yourself a little more. :)