08 November 2007

Well, Since

...I ragged on the lad for his distractedness (great term - thanks, Nan), I figured I'd also show the work he brought home last night. It's not finished yet, but I thought it was well done.


Anonymous said...


How old is he?

(And a wild guess: there are grey fingerprints on every wall, and surface in your house...pray he doesn't take a liking to oils)


PS: Just got an invite to an actual classical concert from the young band groupie(she plays in the college orchestra for a partial scholarship)..."

"Mom you have to come...we are playing the "Reformation Symphony"...says she with enough mischievous irony impossible to miss. The little imp.

I am holding out for Bach.

William Weedon said...

Dear Nan,

I'm with you on the Bach!

David is 20. There are certainly days when charcoal smudge is everywhere. I particularly dislike it when he tapes a picture up to the door of his room to work on it - the dust has turned the carpet at his threshold a nice shade of....charcoal!