09 April 2009

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

In this Meal, the subject and his king, the slave and his master, the beggar and the rich, and child and the old man, the wife and the husband, the simple and the learned, truly all communicants stand as the same poor sinners and beggars, hungry and thirsty for grace. Although one may appear in a rough apron while another in velvet and satin, adorned with gold and pearls, when they depart, all take with them that for which they hunger and thirst: Christ's blood and righteousness as their beauty and glorious dress. No one receives a better food and better drink than the other. All receive the same Jesus, and with Him, the same righteousness. -- C. F. W. Walther, *Treasury*, p. 173

1 comment:

X said...

I liked that quote too.