03 March 2008

Patristic Quote of the Day

For it is the sole and peculiar property of the Substance that Transcends all, to be able to bestow on men the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and make those that draw near unto It partakers of the divine nature. But this exists in Christ, not as a thing received, nor by communication from another, but as His own, and as belonging to His substance, for He baptizes with the Holy Spirit. - St. Cyril of Alexandria, Homily 10 on St. Luke

1 comment:

123 said...

Papadakis in Vol. 4 of SVS Press's Church in History Series has an interesting explication of a 13th Century attempt by (Gregory of Cyprus?) to detail an Orthodox theology of eternal procession through but not from the Son, as distinct from simply the economic sending of the Holy Spirit by the Son. This position that went beyond the more well-known, standard Photian line (economic sending) was conciliarly accepted. I think it gets at what some Western Christians attempt to get at when defending what the filioque attempts to get at, even if they tend to think that the term was inappropriately added and tended to allow heretical interpretations (e.g., dual source).