01 March 2008

Wittenberg Trail is HOT

I just realized that the Wittenberg Trail community is already LARGER in membership than the much older ALPB site. For those who want to talk theology, meet fellow Lutherans travelers, and just learn more, Wittenberg Trail is a great place (ALPB is good for those who want to interact especially with the "other" Lutherans!).


Anonymous said...

Is "other" code for "heterodox"?


Anonymous said...

"other" equals "non-legalistic"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's amazing. A few weeks ago it only had 200 members. Now it's around 1,000!

Frank Gillespie said...

I just discover the WT recently myself. The discussion boards alone are worth the price of admission. Oh wait, it’s free. It’s comforting to know there are over 1000 people out there that are as passionate as I am about all things Lutheran.

Past Elder said...

I probably should join. Been invited, even. I've just known too many people with bad experiences in "online communities" to do it even in a Lutheran context. I don't even do ebay, and twice now have had to respond to charges (financial, not judicial!) arising from activity on a site I've never even been on!

William Weedon said...


I suspect you'd be as happy there as the proverbial pig in DNA deposits. Go for it! Hope the laddie is feeling better - at last well enough to enjoy the new car!

Past Elder said...

Wow -- somebody DOES read my blog!

I oughta get one of those sitemeters -- I just go by comments, or the lack thereof.

He's fine, his younger brother didn't get it, neither did I, so it's back to work and school to-morrow as soon as I finish laundry and get to bed!

Looks like our parish is about to call an associate from sem. I'm not as involved as when I was elder and not past elder -- I assume it's like in WELS, where it's a big deal for the new pastors leading up to announcing the calls at graduation, and if you're going to call from sem it's best not to wait until May to do it!